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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 6-12, mar. 2024. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551647


Introducción: la colocación de prótesis metálicas autoexpansibles (PAE) por vía endoscópica surge como opción terapéutica para la obstrucción colónica neoplásica en dos situaciones: como tratamiento paliativo y como puente a la cirugía curativa. Este procedimiento evita cirugías en dos tiempos y disminuye la probabilidad de colostomía definitiva y sus complicaciones con el consecuente deterioro de la calidad de vida. Objetivo: comunicar nuestra experiencia en la colocación de PAE para el tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción colorrectal neoplásica. Diseño: retrospectivo, longitudinal, descriptivo y observacional. Material y métodos: se incluyeron todos los pacientes a quienes el mismo grupo de endoscopistas les colocó PAE con intención paliativa por cáncer colorrectal avanzado entre agosto de 2008 y diciembre de 2019. Fueron analizadas las variables demográficas y clínicas, el éxito técnico y clínico, las complicaciones tempranas y tardías y la supervivencia. Resultados: se colocó PAE en 54 pacientes. La media de edad fue 71 años. El 85% de las lesiones se localizó en el colon izquierdo. En el 57% de los pacientes se realizó en forma ambulatoria. El éxito técnico y clínico fue del 92 y 90%, respectivamente y la supervivencia media de 209 días. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 29,6%, incluyendo un 14,8% de obstrucción y un 5,6% de migración. La mortalidad tardía atribuible al procedimiento fue del 5,6%, ocasionada por 3 perforaciones tardías: 2 abiertas y 1 microperforación con formación de absceso localizado. Conclusiones: la colocación de PAE como tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción neoplásica colónica es factible, eficaz y segura. Permitió el manejo ambulatorio o con internación breve y la realimentación temprana, mejorando las condiciones para afrontar un eventual tratamiento quimioterápico paliativo. Las mayoría de las complicaciones fueron tardías y resueltas endoscópicamente en forma ambulatoria. (AU)

Introduction: endoscopic placement of self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) emerges as a therapeutic option for neoplastic obstruction of the colon in two situations: as palliative treatment and as a bridge to curative surgery. This procedure avoids two-stage surgeries and reduces the probability of permanent colostomy and its complications with the consequent deterioration in quality of life. Objective: to report our experience in the placement of SEMS as palliative treatment in neoplastic colorectal obstruction. Design: retrospective, longitudinal, descriptive and observational study. Methods: all patients in whom the same group of endoscopists performed SEMS placement with palliative intent for advanced colorectal cancer between August 2008 and December 2019 were analyzed. Data collected were demographic and clinical variables, technical and clinical success, early and late complications, and survival. Results: SEMS were placed in 54 patients. The average age was 71 years. Eighty-five percent were left-sided tumors. In 57% of the patients the procedure was performed on an outpatient basis. Technical and clinical success was 92 and 90%, respectively, and median survival was 209 days. The complication rate was 29.6%, including 14.8% obstruction and 5.6% migration. Late mortality attributable to the procedure was 5.6%, caused by 3 late perforations: 2 open and 1 microperforation with localized abscess formation. Conclusions: The placement of SEMS as a palliative treatment for neoplastic colonic obstruction is feasible, effective and safe. It allowed outpa-tient management or brief hospitalization and early refeeding, improving the conditions to face an eventual palliative chemotherapy treatment. Most complications were late and resolved endoscopically on an outpatient basis. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonoscopy/methods , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Self Expandable Metallic Stents , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Palliative Care , Quality of Life , Epidemiologic Studies , Survival Analysis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Colonoscopy/adverse effects
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 173-184, feb. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528836


SUMMARY: Calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 1 (CLCA1) is associated with cancer progression. The expression and immunologic function of CLCA1 in stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD) remain unclear. In this investigation, the expression of CLCA1 in STAD tissues and its involvement in the progression and immune response of STAD were examined using databases such as cBioPortal, TISIDB, and UALCAN. In order to validate the expression level of CLCA1 protein in gastric adenocarcinoma, thirty clinical tissue specimens were gathered for immunohistochemical staining. The findings indicated a downregulation of CLCA1 in STAD patients, which was correlated with race, age, cancer grade, Helicobacter pylori infection, and molecular subtype. Through the examination of survival analysis, it was identified that diminished levels of CLCA1 within gastric cancer cases were linked to decreased periods of post-progression survival (PPS), overall survival (OS), and first progression (FP) (P<0.05). The CLCA1 mutation rate was lower in STAD, but the survival rate was higher in the variant group. The correlation between the expression level of CLCA1 and the levels of immune infiltrating cells in STAD, as well as the immune activating molecules, immunosuppressive molecules, MHC molecules, chemokines, and their receptor molecules, was observed. Gene enrichment analysis revealed that CLCA1 may be involved in STAD progression through systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), proteasome, cell cycle, pancreatic secretion, and PPAR signaling pathways. In summary, CLCA1 is anticipated to function as a prognostic marker for patients with STAD and is linked to the immunization of STAD.

El regulador 1 del canal de cloruro activado por calcio (CLCA1) está asociado con la progresión del cáncer. La expresión y la función inmunológica de CLCA1 en el adenocarcinoma de estómago (STAD) aún no están claras. En esta investigación, se examinó la expresión de CLCA1 en tejidos STAD y su participación en la progresión y respuesta inmune de STAD utilizando bases de datos como cBioPortal, TISIDB y UALCAN. Para validar el nivel de expresión de la proteína CLCA1 en el adenocarcinoma gástrico, se recolectaron treinta muestras de tejido clínico para tinción inmunohistoquímica. Los hallazgos indicaron una regulación negativa de CLCA1 en pacientes con STAD, que se correlacionó con la raza, la edad, el grado del cáncer, la infección por Helicobacter pylori y el subtipo molecular. Mediante el examen del análisis de supervivencia, se identificó que los niveles reducidos de CLCA1 en los casos de cáncer gástrico estaban relacionados con períodos reducidos de supervivencia posterior a la progresión (PPS), supervivencia general (OS) y primera progresión (FP) (P <0,05). La tasa de mutación CLCA1 fue menor en STAD, pero la tasa de supervivencia fue mayor en el grupo variante. Se observó la correlación entre el nivel de expresión de CLCA1 y los niveles de células inmunes infiltrantes en STAD, así como las moléculas activadoras inmunes, moléculas inmunosupresoras, moléculas MHC, quimiocinas y sus moléculas receptoras. El análisis de enriquecimiento genético reveló que CLCA1 puede estar involucrado en la progresión de STAD a través del lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), el proteasoma, el ciclo celular, la secreción pancreática y las vías de señalización de PPAR. En resumen, se prevé que CLCA1 funcione como un marcador de pronóstico para pacientes con STAD y está vinculado a la inmunización de STAD.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/metabolism , Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Chloride Channels/metabolism , Prognosis , Stomach Neoplasms/immunology , Immunohistochemistry , Adenocarcinoma/immunology , Biomarkers, Tumor , Survival Analysis , Chloride Channels/genetics , Chloride Channels/immunology , Computational Biology , Mutation
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 268-279, 20240220. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532620


Introducción. En Colombia, solo un 24 % de los pacientes en lista recibieron un trasplante renal, la mayoría de donante cadavérico. Para la asignación de órganos se considera el HLA A-B-DR, pero la evidencia reciente sugiere que el HLA A-B no está asociado con los desenlaces del trasplante. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relevancia del HLA A-B-DR en la sobrevida del injerto de los receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó pacientes trasplantados renales con donante cadavérico en Colombiana de Trasplantes, desde 2008 a 2023. Se aplicó un propensity score matching (PSM) para ajustar las covariables en grupos de comparación por compatibilidad y se evaluó la relación del HLA A-B-DR con la sobrevida del injerto renal por medio de la prueba de log rank y la regresión de Cox. Resultados. Se identificaron 1337 pacientes transplantados renales, de los cuales fueron mujeres un 38,7 %, con mediana de edad de 47 años y de índice de masa corporal de 23,8 kg/m2. Tras ajustar por PSM las covariables para los grupos de comparación, la compatibilidad del HLA A-B no se relacionó significativamente con la pérdida del injerto, con HR de 0,99 (IC95% 0,71-1,37) para HLA A y 0,75 (IC95% 0,55-1,02) para HLA B. Solo la compatibilidad por HLA DR fue significativa para pérdida del injerto con un HR de 0,67 (IC95% 0,46-0,98). Conclusión. Este estudio sugiere que la compatibilidad del HLA A-B no influye significativamente en la pérdida del injerto, mientras que la compatibilidad del HLA DR sí mejora la sobrevida del injerto en trasplante renal con donante cadavérico

Introduction. In Colombia, only 24% of patients on the waiting list received a renal transplant, most of them from cadaveric donors. HLA A-B-DR is considered for organ allocation, but recent evidence suggests that HLA A-B is not associated with transplant outcomes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of HLA A-B-DR on graft survival in kidney transplant recipients. Methods. Retrospective cohort study that included kidney transplant recipients with a cadaveric donor in Colombiana de Trasplantes from 2008 to 2023. A propensity score matching (PSM) was applied to adjust the covariates in comparison groups for compatibility, and the relationship of HLA A-B-DR with kidney graft survival was evaluated using the log rank test and Cox regression. Results. A total of 1337 kidney transplant patients were identified; of those, 38.7% were female, with median age of 47 years, and BMI 23.8 kg/m2. After adjusting the covariates with PSM for the comparison groups, HLA A-B matching was not significantly related to graft loss, with HR of 0.99 (95% CI 0.71-1.37) and 0.75 (95% CI 0.55-1.02), respectively. Only HLA DR matching was significant for graft loss with an HR of 0.67 (95% CI 0.46-0.98). Conclusions. This study suggests that HLA A-B matching does not significantly influence graft loss, whereas HLA DR matching does improve graft survival in renal transplantation with a cadaveric donor.

Humans , Kidney Transplantation , Graft Rejection , HLA Antigens , Survival Analysis , Organ Transplantation , Propensity Score
Evid. actual. práct. ambul. (En línea) ; 27(1): e007089, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552204


Antecedentes. El valor pronóstico de una ergometría positiva en el contexto de imágenes tomográficas de perfusión miocárdica de estrés y reposo (SPECT) normales no está bien establecido. Objetivos. Documentar la incidencia de infarto, muerte y revascularización coronaria en pacientes con una ergometría positiva de riesgo intermedio e imágenes de perfusión SPECT normales, y explorar el potencial valor del puntaje de riesgo de Framingham en la estratificación pronóstica de estos pacientes. Métodos. Cohorte retrospectiva integrada por pacientes que habían presentado síntomas o hallazgos electrocardiográficos compatibles con enfermedad arterial coronaria durante la prueba de esfuerzo, con criterios de riesgo intermedio en la puntuación de Duke y perfusión miocárdica SPECT normal. Fueron identificados a partir de la base de datos del laboratorio de cardiología nuclear del Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular de la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. Resultados. Fueron elegibles 217 pacientes. El seguimiento fue de 3 1,5 años. La sobrevida libre de eventos (muerte,infarto de miocardio no fatal, angioplastia coronaria o cirugía de bypass de arteria coronaria) a uno, tres y cinco años fue significativamente menor (Log-rank test, p= 0,001) en el grupo con puntaje de Framingham alto o muy alto (77, 71y 59 %, respectivamente) que en el grupo de puntaje bajo o intermedio (89, 87 y 83 %). Tomando como referencia a los pacientes con riesgo bajo en el puntaje de Framingham, luego de ajustar por edad, sexo y puntaje de Duke, los pacientes categorizados en los estratos alto y muy alto riesgo del puntaje de Framingham presentaron una incidencia del evento combinado cercana al triple (hazard ratio [HR] 2,81; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95 % 0,91 a 8,72; p= 0,07 y HR 3,61;IC 95 % 1,23 a 10,56; p= 0,019 respectivamente). Conclusiones. La estimación de riesgo con el puntaje de Framingham sería de ayuda en la estratificación pronóstica de los pacientes con ergometría positiva y SPECT normal. (AU)

Background. The prognostic value of positive exercise testing with normal SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging is not well established. Objectives. To document the incidence of infarction, death, and coronary revascularization in patients with a positive intermediate-risk exercise test and normal SPECT perfusion images and to explore the potential value of the Framingham Risk Score in the prognostic stratification of these patients. Methods. A retrospective cohort comprised patients who presented symptoms or electrocardiographic findings compatible with coronary artery disease during the stress test, with intermediate risk criteria in the Duke score and normal SPECT myocardial perfusion. They were identified from the database of the nuclear cardiology laboratory of the Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular of Posadas, Argentina. Results. 217 patients were eligible. Follow-up was 3 1.5 years. Event-free survival (death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery) at one, three, and five years was significantly lower (Log-ranktest, p: 0.001) in the group with a score of Framingham high or very high (77, 71 and 59 %, respectively) than in the lowor intermediate score group (89, 87 and 83 %). Taking as reference the low-risk patients in the Framingham score, after adjusting for age, sex, and Duke score, the patients categorized in the high-risk and very high-risk strata showed about three times higher incidence of the combined event (hazard ratio [HR] 2.81; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.91 to 8.72;p=0.07 and HR 3.61; 95 % CI 1.23 to 10.56; p=0.019 respectively). Conclusions. Risk estimation with the Framingham score would be helpful in the prognostic stratification of patients with positive exercise testing and normal SPECT. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Prognosis , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Myocardial Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Survival Analysis , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity , Ergometry , Risk Assessment/methods , Exercise Test , Myocardial Perfusion Imaging , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Myocardial Infarction/mortality
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 70(1)Jan-Mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1551494


Introduction: The time taken for screening, detection and initiation of treatment is a determining factor for therapeutic management in oncology. The availability of reliable data guides decisions for public policies and evaluates compliance with these policies. Objective:To analyze the survival and outcomes of pediatric patients with leukemia and lymphoma from 2000 to 2022. Method: Epidemiological, descriptive study, with data extracted from Fundação Oncocentro do Estado de São Paulo, according to the International Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC). The time elapsed between the first consultation and diagnosis was evaluated, between diagnosis and the start of oncological treatment, and the survival of these patients, calculated according to the Peto-Peto test. Results: 12,030 cases were analyzed, 6,994 in males and 7,292 with leukemia. The probability of the time between consultation and diagnosis exceeds 30 days was 49.29% for leukemias and 76.31 for lymphomas, a significant result for treatment and relapses (p < 0.001) but not in relation to sex; the time between diagnosis and treatment exceeding 60 days was 38.04% for leukemias and 71.97% for lymphomas. Not undergoing treatment was significant (p < 0.001) while waiting for diagnosis after consultation for patients with leukemia and lymphomas, except surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy combined. Conclusion: Despite the advances, a considerable percentage of patients wait longer than expected for diagnosis and initiation of treatment, impacting their survival rates

ntrodução: O tempo no rastreio, detecção e início do tratamento é fator determinante para o manejo terapêutico em oncologia. A disponibilidade de dados confiáveis orienta decisões para políticas públicas e avalia o cumprimento dessas políticas. Objetivo: Analisar a sobrevivência e desfechos de pacientes pediátricos com leucemias e linfomas de 2000 a 2022. Método:Estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, com dados extraídos da Fundação Oncocentro do Estado de São Paulo, segundo a Classificação Internacional de Câncer na Infância. Avaliou-se o tempo decorrido entre a primeira consulta e o diagnóstico; entre o diagnóstico e o início do tratamento oncológico; e a sobrevivência desses pacientes, calculada conforme o teste Peto-Peto. Resultados: Foram analisados 12.030 casos, com prevalência no sexo masculino 6.994; 7.292 corresponderam às leucemias. A probabilidade de o tempo entre a consulta e o diagnóstico ter sido superior a 30 dias foi de 49,29% para as leucemias e de 76,31 para os linfomas, significativo para o tratamento e recidivas (p < 0,001) e não por sexo; o tempo entre o diagnóstico e tratamento, superior a 60 dias, foi de 38,04% para as leucemias e de 71,97% para os linfomas. Não realizar tratamento foi significante (p< 0,001) na espera entre a consulta e o diagnóstico para os pacientes com leucemias; o mesmo para os linfomas, exceto para a combinação de cirurgia, quimioterapia e radioterapia. Conclusão: À despeito dos avanços obtidos, uma porcentagem considerável de pacientes aguarda um tempo maior do que o esperado para o diagnóstico e o início do tratamento, repercutindo nas taxas de sobrevivência desses pacientes

Introducción: El tiempo necesario para el screening, detección e inicio del tratamiento es un factor determinante para el manejo terapéutico en oncología. La disponibilidad de datos confiables orienta las decisiones de políticas públicas y evalúa el cumplimiento de estas políticas. Objetivo:Analizar la supervivencia y desenlaces de pacientes pediátricos con leucemia y linfoma en el período de 2000 a 2022. Método: Estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo, con datos extraídos de la Fundación Oncocentro del estado de São Paulo, según la Clasificación Internacional del Cáncer Infantil. Se evaluó el tiempo transcurrido entre la primera consulta y el diagnóstico; entre el diagnóstico y el inicio del tratamiento oncológico, y la supervivencia de estos pacientes, calculada según la prueba de Peto-Peto. Resultados: Se analizaron 12 030 casos, con una prevalencia masculina de 6994; 7292 correspondieron a leucemia. La probabilidad de que el tiempo entre consulta y diagnóstico sea mayor a 30 días fue del 49,29% para leucemias y del 76,31 para linfomas, significativa para tratamiento y recaídas (p < 0,001) y no para sexo; para el tiempo entre diagnóstico y tratamiento, superior a 60 días, fue del 38,04% para las leucemias y del 71,97% para los linfomas. No recibir tratamiento fue significativo (p < 0,001) en la espera entre la consulta y el diagnóstico en pacientes con leucemia; lo mismo para los linfomas, excepto la combinación de cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia. Conclusión: A pesar de los avances logrados, un porcentaje considerable de pacientes espera un tiempo más de lo esperado para el diagnóstico y el inicio del tratamiento, impactando en las tasas de supervivencia de estos pacientes.

Survival Analysis , Time-to-Treatment
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1764-1774, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528797


SUMMARY: Colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) is a prevalent disease worldwide, known for its high mortality and morbidity rates. Despite this, the extent of investigation concerning the correlation between COAD's CLCA1 expression and immune cell infiltration remains insufficient. This study seeks to examine the expression and prognosis of CLCA1 in COAD, along with its relationship to the tumor immune microenvironment. These findings will offer valuable insights for clinical practitioners and contribute to the existing knowledge in the field. In order to evaluate the prognostic significance of CLCA1 in individuals diagnosed with colorectal cancers, we conducted a comprehensive analysis using univariate and multivariate Cox regression models along with receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis. This study was performed on the patient data of COAD obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Nomograms were developed to anticipate CLCA1 prognostic influence. Furthermore, the CLCA1 association with tumor immune infiltration, immune checkpoints, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) response, interaction network, and functional analysis of CLCA1-related genes was analyzed. We found that Colon adenocarcinoma tissues significantly had decreased CLCA1 expression compared to healthy tissues. Furthermore, the study revealed that the group with high expression of CLCA1 demonstrated a significantly higher overall survival rate (OS) as compared to the group with low expression. Multivariate and Univariate Cox regression analysis revealed the potential of CLCA1 as a standalone risk factor for COAD. These results were confirmed using nomograms and ROC curves. In addition, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and functional gene enrichment showed that CLCA1 may be associated with functional activities such as pancreatic secretion, estrogen signaling and cAMP signaling, as well as with specific immune cell infiltration. Therefor, as a new independent predictor and potential biomarker of COAD, CLCA1 plays a crucial role in the advancement of colon cancer.

El adenocarcinoma de colon (COAD) es una enfermedad prevalente a nivel mundial, conocida por sus altas tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad. Sin embargo, el alcance de la investigación sobre la correlación entre la expresión de CLCA1 de COAD y la infiltración de células inmunes sigue siendo insuficiente. Este estudio busca examinar la expresión y el pronóstico de CLCA1 en COAD, junto con su relación con el microambiente inmunológico del tumor. Estos hallazgos ofrecerán conocimientos valiosos para los profesionales clínicos y contribuirán al conocimiento existente en el campo. Para evaluar la importancia de pronóstico de CLCA1 en personas diagnosticadas con cáncer colorrectal, realizamos un análisis exhaustivo utilizando modelos de regresión de Cox univariados y multivariados junto con un análisis de la curva característica operativa del receptor (ROC). Este estudio se realizó con los datos de pacientes de COAD obtenidos de la base de datos The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Se desarrollaron nomogramas para anticipar la influencia pronóstica de CLCA1. Además, se analizó la asociación de CLCA1 con la infiltración inmunitaria tumoral, los puntos de control inmunitarios, la respuesta de bloqueo de los puntos de control inmunitarios (ICB), la red de interacción y el análisis funcional de genes relacionados con CLCA1. Descubrimos que los tejidos de adenocarcinoma de colon tenían una expresión significativamente menor de CLCA1 en comparación con los tejidos sanos. Además, el estudio reveló que el grupo con alta expresión de CLCA1 demostró una tasa de supervivencia general (SG) significativamente mayor en comparación con el grupo con baja expresión. El análisis de regresión de Cox multivariado y univariado reveló el potencial de CLCA1 como factor de riesgo independiente de COAD. Estos resultados se confirmaron mediante nomogramas y curvas ROC. Además, el análisis de la red de interacción proteína- proteína (PPI) y el enriquecimiento de genes funcionales mostraron que CLCA1 puede estar asociado con actividades funcionales como la secreción pancreática, la señalización de estrógenos y la señalización de AMPc, así como con la infiltración de células inmunes específicas. Por lo tanto, como nuevo predictor independiente y biomarcador potencial de COAD, CLCA1 desempeña un papel crucial en el avance del cáncer de colon.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Adenocarcinoma/immunology , Colonic Neoplasms/immunology , Chloride Channels/immunology , Prognosis , Immunohistochemistry , Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Survival Analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Regression Analysis , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Chloride Channels/metabolism , Computational Biology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1789-1801, dic. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528808


SUMMARY: We investigated the expression and clinical significance of miR-15b-5p in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) through bioinformatics analysis and experimental verification. The differentially expressed miRNAs were screened in the GEO database. Venn diagram showed that there were 5 up-regulated miRNAs (has-miR-210, has-miR-142-3p, has-miR-142-5p, has-miR-15b-5p, and has-miR-193a-3p) and only 1 down-regulated miRNA (has-miR-532-3p) that were commonly expressed between GSE189331 and GSE16441 datasets. This was further confirmed in TCGA. Further analysis showed that the has-miR-193a-3p, has-miR-142-3p, has- miR-142-5p, and has-miR-15b-5p were closely related to tumor invasion, distant metastasis and survival probability. The expression of miR-15b-5p in ccRCC tissues was significantly higher than that in adjacent normal kidney tissues (P0.05). Following inhibition of miR-15b-5p expression, RCC cells had attenuated proliferation, increased apoptosis, and attenuated migration and invasion. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has-miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B may be three potential regulatory pathways in ccRCC. miR-15b-5p is highly expressed in cancer tissues of ccRCC patients. It may promote proliferation, inhibit apoptosis and enhance cell migration and invasion of RCC cells. The has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has-miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, and has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B may be three potential regulatory pathways in ccRCC.

Investigamos la expresión y la importancia clínica de miR-15b-5p en el carcinoma de células renales (CCR) de células claras mediante análisis bioinformático y verificación experimental. Los miARN expresados diferencialmente se examinaron en la base de datos GEO. El diagrama de Venn mostró que había 5 miARN regulados positivamente (has-miR-210, has-miR-142-3p, has-miR-142-5p, has-miR-15b-5p y has-miR-193a-3p). ) y solo 1 miARN regulado negativamente (has-miR-532-3p) que se expresaron comúnmente entre los conjuntos de datos GSE189331 y GSE16441. Esto fue confirmado aún más en TCGA. Un análisis más detallado mostró que has-miR-193a-3p, has-miR-142-3p, has- miR-142-5p y has-miR-15b-5p estaban estrechamente relacionados con la invasión tumoral, la metástasis a distancia y la probabilidad de supervivencia. La expresión de miR-15b-5p en tejidos ccRCC fue significativamente mayor que la de los tejidos renales normales adyacentes (P 0,05). Tras la inhibición de la expresión de miR-15b-5p, las células RCC tuvieron una proliferación atenuada, un aumento de la apoptosis y una migración e invasión atenuadas. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has- miR-15b-5p-EIF4E, has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B pueden ser tres posibles vías reguladoras en ccRCC. miR-15b-5p se expresa altamente en tejidos cancerosos de pacientes con ccRCC. Puede promover la proliferación, inhibir la apoptosis y mejorar la migración celular y la invasión de células RCC. has-miR-15b-5p-WEE1, has- miR-15b-5p-EIF4E y has-miR-15b-5p-PPP2R1B pueden ser tres posibles vías reguladoras en ccRCC.

Humans , Male , Female , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , MicroRNAs , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/genetics , Survival Analysis , Cell Movement , Computational Biology , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Kidney Neoplasms/genetics , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neoplasm Metastasis
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 468-473, Mayo 8, 2023. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438424


Introducción. El tratamiento oncológico perioperatorio en pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado está indicado; aun así, no siempre es posible. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la supervivencia de los pacientes según la administración de quimioterapia perioperatoria. Métodos. Estudio observacional, tipo cohorte ambispectivo, incluyendo pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado quienes recibieron o no quimioterapia perioperatoria. Resultados. Se incluyeron 33 pacientes, 90,9 % pertenecían al régimen subsidiado de salud y el 78,8 % en estadio T4. El grupo que recibió quimioterapia perioperatoria, que solo tuvo 5 pacientes (15,1 %), presentó mayor supervivencia global a 2 años (100 %), seguido del grupo de quimioterapia postoperatoria (58,8 %) y del grupo sin quimioterapia, que alcanzó una supervivencia global a 2 años de 54,5 %. Discusión. La supervivencia global fue mayor en el grupo de quimioterapia perioperatoria, consonante a lo descrito a nivel internacional, aunque los pacientes se encontraban en un estadío localmente más avanzado, la mayoría con T4 y N+ según AJCC VIII edición. Conclusiones. El estadío clínico es un factor pronóstico importante y, en nuestro medio, la mayoría de los pacientes consultan en estadíos localmente más avanzados. A eso se suman las dificultades en el acceso a la atención en salud. Aun así, la quimioterapia perioperatoria mostró una supervivencia mayor en pacientes con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado

Introduction. Perioperative cancer treatment in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer is indicated; even so, it is not always possible. The objective was to evaluate survival according to time and receipt of perioperative chemotherapy. Methods. Observational study, ambispective cohort type, including patients with locally advanced gastric cancer who received or did not receive perioperative chemotherapy. Results. Thirty-three patients were included, 90.9% belonged to the subsidized regimen and 78.8% with TNM T4. The perioperative chemotherapy group, which only had five patients (15.1%), had a higher overall survival at 2 years (100%), followed by the postoperative chemotherapy group and by the group without chemotherapy, with an overall survival at 2 years of 58.8% and 54.5%, respectively. Discussion. Overall survival was higher in the perioperative chemotherapy group, consistent with what has been described internationally, although the patients were in a more advanced stage, most being with T4 and N+ according to the AJCC VIII edition. Conclusions. The clinical stage is an important prognostic factor and in our environment, most patients consult in more advanced stages, coupled with difficulties in accessing health care. Even so, perioperative chemotherapy showed a longer survival in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer, the data should not be extrapolated since the number of patients in each group is significantly different

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms , Survival Analysis , Prognosis , Mortality , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 33(1): 49-57, 4 de Abril 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427639


Introducción: La supervivencia del cáncer de ovario se aproxima al 50%, sin embargo, varía en función de los distintos factores pronósticos, siendo el principal la extensión de la enfermedad al diagnóstico. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer la supervivencia global y libre de enfermedad en un centro de referencia para el tratamiento de cáncer de ovario en Quito, Ecuador. Métodos: El presente estudio longitudinal, se realizó en el Hospital Metropolitano de Quito, de enero del 2008 a diciembre del 2018. Se incluyeron mujeres con cáncer de ovario. Se registraron variables demográficas, número de embarazos, comorbilidades, diagnóstico histológico, tiempo de evolución, tratamiento recibido, estadío de la enfermedad, progresión, recaídas, período libre de enfermedad y mortalidad. La muestra fue no probabilística. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo y un análisis de supervivencia. Resultados: Participaron 84 pacientes. La edad en 20 casos (23.8%) < 50 años, en 29 casos (34.5%) de 50 a 59 años y en 35 casos (41.7%) > 60 años. El 60.7 % con 1 a 3 embarazos, el 23.8% nunca se embarazo y el 15.5 % con > 4 embarazos, sin relación con la mortalidad. El tipo histológico más prevalente fue el carcinoma epitelial en 56 casos (66.6%). La media de tiempo de recaída fue 56.8 meses y de tiempo de sobrevida fue de 87.7 meses. La supervivencia a los 5 años fue del 62% y a los 10 años del 55%. La supervivencia fue menor en mayores de 60 años y con estadios IIB, IIC, IIIA y IIIC. Conclusión: En este estudio la mortalidad se modificó por el estadío clínico, el tiempo de evolución y la edad de las pacientes con cáncer de ovario.

Introduction: Survival from ovarian cancer is close to 50%; however, it varies depending on the different prognostic factors, the main one being the extent of the disease at diagnosis. The objective of this study was to establish overall and disease-free survival in a reference center for the treatment of ovarian cancer in Quito, Ecuador. Methods: The present longitudinal study was carried out at the Metropolitan Hospital of Quito from January 2008 to December 2018. Women with ovarian cancer were included. Demographic variables, number of pregnancies, comorbidities, histological diagnosis, evolution time, treatment received, disease stage, progression, relapses, disease-free period, and mortality were recorded. The sample was non-probabilistic. A descriptive analysis and a survival analysis are performed. Results: 84 patients participated. Age in 20 cases (23.8%) <50 years, in 29 cases (34.5%) from 50 to 59 years, and in 35 cases (41.7%) >60 years. 60.7% with 1 to 3 pregnancies, 23.8% never got pregnant, and 15.5% with > 4 pregnancies without relation to mortality. The most prevalent histological type was epithelial carcinoma in 56 cases (66.6%). The mean time to relapse was 56.8 months, and the survival time was 87.7 months. Survival at 5 years was 62%, and at 10 years, 55%. Survival was lower in those over 60 years of age and with stages IIB, IIC, IIIA, and IIIC. Conclusion: In this study, mortality was modified by the clinical stage, the time of evolution, and the age of the patients with ovarian cancer.

Humans , Female , Adult , Ovarian Neoplasms , Survival Analysis , Mortality Registries , Progression-Free Survival
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 33(1): 58-69, 4 de Abril 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427643


Introducción: El cáncer gástrico constituye como una de las enfermedades de mayor morbimortalidad a nivel mundial; no obstante, la mortalidad se puede reducir con intervenciones tempranas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la relación entre la edad y la sobrevida tras cirugía con intención curativa por cáncer gástrico en pacientes atendidos en el Instituto del cáncer SOLCA, Cuenca, en el periodo 2012-2017. Métodos: El presente estudio analítico, retrospectivo fue realizado con la base de datos del Instituto del Cáncer SOLCA-Cuenca. Los datos fueron presentados en tablas de frecuencia y porcentajes. Se aplicó Chi-cuadrado (X2), análisis de Kaplan Meier y regresión de Cox, para relacionar las variables edad y años de sobrevida, considerándose estadísticamente significativo cuando P<0.05. Resultados: De los 603 pacientes con cáncer gástrico registrado durante el periodo de evaluación, el 35.3% fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente, lográndose el seguimiento del 45.1%. Un total de 96 pacientes fueron incluidos, el 70.8% fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente con intención curativa. En la muestra predominaba los hombres (52.9%) y el grupo etario de 70 a 79 años (30.2%). La tasa de sobrevida a los 5 años fue de 69.1% con un tiempo promedio de supervivencia de 7.24±0.49 años. La edad no se relacionó significativamente con la sobrevida de los pacientes (X2=3.15; P=0.667). Conclusión: existe una elevada tasa de sobrevida a los 5 años en los pacientes con cáncer gástrico intervenidos quirúrgicamente con intención curativa, la cual no asoció con la edad.

Introduction: Gastric cancer is one of the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality worldwide; however, early interventions can reduce mortality. This study aimed to determine the relationship between age and survival after surgery with curative intent for gastric cancer in patients treated at the SOLCA Cancer Institute, Cuenca, in 2012-2017. Methods: The present analytical, retrospective study was carried out with the database of the SOLCA-Cuenca Cancer Institute. Data were presented in frequency and percentage tables. Chi-square (X2), Kaplan Meier analysis, and Cox regression were applied to relate the variables age and years of survival, being considered statistically significant when P<0.05. Results: Of the 603 patients with gastric cancer registered during the evaluation period, 35.3% underwent surgery, achieving a follow-up of 45.1%. A total of 96 patients were included, 70.8% underwent surgery with curative intent. The sample was dominated by men (52.9%) and the age group of 70 to 79 (30.2%). The 5-year survival rate was 69.1%, with a median survival time of 7.24±0.49 years. Age was not significantly related to patient survival (X2=3.15; P=0.667). Conclusion: there is a high 5-year survival rate in patients with gastric cancer who underwent surgery with curative intent, which was not associated with age. Keywords:

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Stomach Neoplasms , Survivorship , Survival Analysis , Mortality Registries , Gastrectomy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(1): 32-41, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515419


BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCAB) as an alternative to the traditional Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) technique with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are not well defined. AIM: To compare 10-year survival of isolated OPCAB versus CABG with CPB. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of information obtained from databases, clinical records and surgical protocols of patients treated with isolated CABG between January 2006 and November 2008 at a Regional Hospital. Of 658 isolated CABG, 192 (29.2%) were OPCAB and 466 (79.9%) CPB. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was performed to compare both groups. After PSM, two groups of 192 cases were obtained. Mortality data was obtained from the Chilean public identification service. Ten-year survival was calculated and compared with Kaplan-Meier and log-rank methods. RESULTS: Follow-up data was obtained in all cases. No statistically significant differences were found when comparing 10-year survival between OPCAB versus CPB (78.6% and 80.2% respectively, p 0.720). There was also no statistical difference in cardiovascular death free survival (90.1% with CPB versus 89.1% OPCAB, p 0.737). Survival was comparable when analyzing subgroups with diabetes mellitus, left ventricular dysfunction or chronic kidney disease, among others. CONCLUSIONS: In our series, OPBAB has a comparable 10-year survival with CABG with CPB.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Coronary Artery Bypass, Off-Pump/adverse effects , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Survival Analysis , Chile/epidemiology , Coronary Artery Bypass , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Propensity Score
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine ; (12): 410-415, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985939


Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) for patients with acute leukemia who are positive for the SET-NUP214 fusion gene (SET-NUP214+AL). Methods: This was a retrospective case series study. Clinical data of 18 patients with SET-NUP214+AL who received allo-HSCT in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and Soochow Hongci Hematology Hospital from December 2014 to October 2021 were retrospectively analyzed to investigate treatment efficacy and prognosis. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis. Results: Of the 18 patients, 12 were male and 6 were female, and the median age was 29 years (range, 13-55 years). There were six cases of mixed phenotype acute leukemia (three cases of myeloid/T, two cases of B/T, one case of myeloid/B/T), nine cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (one case of B-ALL and eight cases of T-ALL), and three cases of acute myeloid leukemia. All patients received induction chemotherapy after diagnosis, and 17 patients achieved complete remission (CR) after chemotherapy. All patients subsequently received allo-HSCT. Pre-transplantation status: 15 patients were in the first CR, 1 patient was in the second CR, 1 was in partial remission, and 1 patient did not reach CR. All patients were successfully implanted with stem cells. The median time of granulocyte and platelet reconstitution was +12 and +13 days, respectively. With a median follow-up of 23 (4-80) months, 15 patients survived, while 3 patients died. The cause of death was recurrence of SET-NUP214+AL after transplantation. After allo-HSCT, 5 patients relapsed. The estimated 3-year overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) rates were 83.3%±15.2% and 55.4%±20.7%, respectively. Among the 15 patients who achieved CR before transplantation, there was no significant difference in OS and RFS between haploidentical HSCT and matched sibling donor HSCT (all P>0.05). Conclusions: Allo-HSCT can improve the prognosis and long-term survival rate of patients with SET-NUP214+AL. Disease recurrence is the most important factor affecting long-term survival.

Male , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/methods , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/therapy , Survival Analysis , Remission Induction , Acute Disease , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/therapy , Recurrence , Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 693-698, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982118


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical characteristics, therapeutic response and prognosis of patients with plasma cell leukemia (PCL) and improve the understanding of this disease.@*METHODS@#The clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and treatment response of 27 patients with plasma cell leukemia treated in The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from December 2010 to August 2019 were analyzed retrospectively, and their clinical characteristics were summarized. Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis.@*RESULTS@#There were 18 cases of primary plasma cell leukemia (pPCL) and 9 cases of secondary plasma cell leukemia (sPCL). The male to female ratio was 1.7∶1. The median age was 62 years old. The first manifestations were bone pain, fatigue, fever, splenomegaly and bleeding, and a large number of plasma cell infiltration was observed in the morphological examination of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells. 13 cases were detected by immunotyping and all of them expressed CD38/CD138. 8 cases underwent karyotype analysis, and 3 cases were normal, clonal abnormalities occurred in 5 cases. FISH detection was performed in 12 cases, of which 8 cases were abnormal. In 17 cases of bortezomib based chemotherapy, the ovevall response rate was 52.9%, which was higher than that in the non-bortezomib group, but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P =0.242). The overall median survival time of 27 patients was 6.4 months, the median progression-free survival time was 3.5 months, and the median survival time of patients with pPCL and sPCL was 8.2 months and 2.4 months, respectively, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P =0.031).@*CONCLUSION@#PCL is highly invasive and has diverse clinical manifestations, and is not sensitive to traditional chemotherapy. The median survival time of patients with pPCL is relatively longer than that of patients with sPCL. The chemotherapy regimen based on bortezomib improves the treatment effectiveness and prolongs the survival time of PCL patients.

Male , Female , Humans , Leukemia, Plasma Cell/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Bortezomib/therapeutic use , Prognosis , Survival Analysis
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 476-482, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982083


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical characteristics, prognostic factors and efficacy of hypomethylating agent (HMA) in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 37 newly diagnosed patients with CMML was analyzed retrospectively, and their clinical characteristics and the efficacy of HMA were summarized. Kaplan-Meier and Log-rank test were used for univariate survival analysis, and Cox proportional hazards regression model was used for multivariate analysis.@*RESULTS@#The median age at diagnosis was 67 years old. Their common manifestations included fatigue, bleeding, abnormal blood routine and fever. Most patients had splenomegaly. According to FAB classification, there were 6 cases of myelodysplastic CMML and 31 cases of myeloproliferative CMML, while according to WHO classification, 8 patients belonged to CMML-0, 9 patients to CMML-1 and 20 patients to CMML-2. At the time of diagnosis, the median white blood cell count was 32.84×109/L, median hemoglobin (Hb) was 101 g/L, median platelet count was 65×109/L, median absolute monocyte count was 9.53×109//L, median absolute neutrophil count (ANC) was 11.29×109//L and median lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was 374 U/L. Cytogenetic abnormalities were found in 4 cases among the 31 patients who underwent karyotype analysis or fluorescence in situ hybridization detection. There were 12 patients who had analyzable results and gene mutations were identified in 11 cases, including ASXL1, NRAS, TET2, SRSF2 and RUNX1. Among the 6 patients who were treated with HMA and could be evaluated for efficacy, 2 patients achieved complete remission, 1 patient achieved partial remission and 2 patients achieved clinical benefit. Compared with the non-HMA treatment group, overall survival (OS) time was not significantly prolonged in the HMA treatment group. Univariate analysis showed that Hb<100 g/L, ANC≥12×109/L, LDH≥250 U/L and peripheral blood (PB) blasts ≥5% were significantly associated with poor OS, while WHO classification CMML-2, Hb<100 g/L, ANC≥12×109/L, LDH≥250 U/L and PB blasts≥5% were significantly associated with poor leukemia-free survival (LFS) (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that ANC≥12×109/L and PB blasts≥5% were significantly associated with poor OS and LFS (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#CMML has high heterogeneity in clinical characteristics, genetic changes, prognosis and treatment response. HMA can not significantly improve the survival of CMML patients. ANC≥12×109/L and PB blasts≥5% are independent prognostic factors of OS and LFS in patients with CMML.

Humans , Aged , Leukemia, Myelomonocytic, Chronic/genetics , Retrospective Studies , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , Survival Analysis , Prognosis
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 389-395, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982071


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the risk and location of multiple malignancies in patients with hematologic malignancies who were followed up for 9 years in Jiangsu Province Hospital and to evaluate the impact of the second primary malignancy on survival of patients.@*METHODS@#The incidence and survival of multiple malignancies in 7 921 patients with hematologic malignancies from 2009 to 2017 were analyzed retrospectively.@*RESULTS@#A total of 180 (2.3%, 180/7 921) patients developed second malignancy, of whom 58 patients were diagnosed with hematologic malignancies as the first primary malignancy, and 98 patients developed hematologic malignancies as second primary malignancy, and the other 24 cases were diagnosed with the second malignancy within 6 months after the first primary malignancy was diagnosed, which was difined as multiple malignancies occurring simultaneously. In 180 patients, 18 cases developed two hematologic malignancies successively, and 11 patients developed more than 3 primary cancers (among them, 2 female patients were diagnosed with 4 primary cancers). Patients with lymphoma and multiple myeloma (MM) as the second primary malignancy had poorer survival than patients with lymphoma and MM as the first primary malignancy. Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia as the second primary malignancy were also associated with inferior overall survival.@*CONCLUSION@#In this study, 2.3% of hematologic malignancy patients had multiple mali-gnancies, lymphoma and MM as the second primary malignancy had poor survival.

Humans , East Asian People , Hematologic Neoplasms/complications , Lymphoma/complications , Multiple Myeloma/complications , Neoplasms, Second Primary , Retrospective Studies , Survival Analysis
Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery ; (12): 75-83, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971236


Objective: To investigate the factors influencing tumor-specific survival of early-onset locally advanced rectal cancer. Methods: All-age patients with primary locally advanced rectal cancer from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database (2010 to 2019) were included in this study. Early- and late-onset locally advanced rectal cancer was defined according to age of 50 years at diagnosis. Early-onset locally advanced rectal cancer was divided into five age groups for subgroup analyses. Age, sex, tumor-specific survival time and survival status of patients at diagnosis, pathological grade, TNM stage, perineural invasion, tumor deposits, tumor size, pretreatment CEA , radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and number of lymph node dissections were included. Progression-free survival (PFS) was analyzed and compared between patients with early- and late-onset rectal cancer. Results: A total of 5,048 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer were included in the study (aged 27-70 years): 1,290 (25.55%) patients with early-onset rectal cancer and 3,758 (74.45%) patients with late-onset rectal cancer. Patients with early-onset rectal cancer had a higher rate of perineural invasion (P<0.001), more positive lymph nodes dissected (P<0.001), higher positive lymph node ratios (P<0.001), and a higher proportion receiving preoperative radiotherapy (P=0.002). Patients with early-onset rectal cancer had slightly better short-term survival than those with late-onset rectal cancer (median (IQR ): 54 (33-83) vs 50 (31-79) months, χ2=5.192, P=0.023). Multivariate Cox regression for all patients with locally advanced rectal cancer showed that age (P=0.008), grade of tumor differentiation (P=0.002), pretreatment CEA (P=0.008), perineural invasion (P=0.021), positive number (P=0.004) and positive ratio (P=0.001) of dissected lymph nodes, and sequence of surgery and radiotherapy (P=0.005) influenced PFS. This suggests that the Cox regression results for all patients may not be applicable to patients with early-onset cancer. Cox analysis showed tumor differentiation grade (patients with low differentiation had a higher risk of death, P=0.027), TNM stage (stage III patients had a higher risk of death, P=0.025), T stage (higher risk of death in stage T4, P<0.001), pretreatment CEA (P=0.002), perineural invasion (P<0.001), tumor deposits (P=0.005), number of dissected lymph nodes (patients with removal of 12-20 lymph nodes had a lower risk of death, P<0.001), and positive number of dissected lymph nodes (P<0.001) were independent factors influencing PFS of patients with early-onset locally advanced rectal cancer. Conclusion: Patients with early-onset locally advanced rectal cancer were more likely to have adverse prognostic factors, but an adequate number of lymph node dissections (12-20) resulted in better survival outcomes.

Humans , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Neoplasm Staging , Extranodal Extension/pathology , Survival Analysis , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Lymph Nodes/pathology
Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 64-70, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971103


OBJECTIVE@#To study the prognostic value of LPCAT1 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).@*METHODS@#TaqMan-based reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to detect relative expression of LPCAT1 in 214 newly diagnosed adult AML patients and 24 normal controls. Survival functions were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and were compared by the Log-rank test. A Cox proportional hazard regression model was used to identify prognostic factors.@*RESULTS@#The expression level of LPCAT1 in adult AML was 34.37%(1.83%-392.63%), which was significantly lower than 92.81%(2.60%-325.84%) of normal controls (P<0.001). The prognostic significance of LPCAT1 was evaluated in 171 non-acute promyelocytic leukemia patients with complete clinical information and prognostic data. Survival analysis showed that the expression level of LPCAT1 had no significant effect on the prognosis of the whole cohort. However, in AML patients with FAB subtype M2 (AML-M2), the 2-year relapse-free survival (RFS) rate of patients with low LPCAT1 expression was 35.4%(95%CI: 0.107-0.601), which was significantly lower than 79.2%(95%CI: 0.627-0.957) of patients with high LPCAT1 expression (P=0.012). Multivariate analysis showed that low expression of LPCAT1 was an independent risk factor for RFS of AML-M2 patients (HR=0.355, 95%CI: 0.126-0.966, P=0.049).@*CONCLUSION@#In adult AML patients LPCAT1 shows low expression. Low LPCAT1 expression is an independent risk factor for RFS in M2-AML patients.

Humans , Adult , Prognosis , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/metabolism , Survival Analysis , Proportional Hazards Models , Risk Factors , 1-Acylglycerophosphocholine O-Acyltransferase
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 56-60, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970236


Objective: To investigate the genetic and genomic profiling of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) and factors affecting its survival rate. Methods: Clinical characteristics, cytogenetics, molecular biology results and survival status of children with 27 JMML cases admitted to the Hematology Department of Children's Hospital, Capital Institute of Pediatrics from December 2012 to December 2021 were analyzed retrospectively, and the outcomes of the children were followed up. Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis. Univariate analysis was used for analyzing factors affecting the overall survival (OS) rates of patients who received hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Log-Rank test was used for comparison of survival curves. Results: Among 27 JMML cases, there were 11 males and 16 females. The age of disease onset was 28 (11,52) months. There are 20 cases of normal karyotype, 4 cases of monosomy 7, 1 case of trisomy 8,1 case of 11q23 rearrangement and 1 case of complex karyotype. A total of 39 somatic mutations were detected.Those involved in RAS signal pathway were the highest (64%(25/39)), among which PTPN11 mutation was the most frequent (44% (11/25)). A total of 17 cases (63%) received HSCT, 8 cases (30%) did not receive HSCT, and 2 cases (7%) lost follow-up. For children receiving transplantation, the follow-up time after transplantation was 47 (11,57) months. The 1-year OS rate of high-risk transplantation group (17 cases) and high-risk non transplantation group (6 cases) was (88±8)% and (50±20)% respectively, with a statistically significant difference (χ2=5.01, P=0.025). The 5-year OS rate of the high-risk transplantation group was (75±11)%. The survival time of those who relapsed or progressed to acute myeloid leukemia after transplantation was significantly shorter than that of those who did not relapse (χ2=6.80, P=0.009). The OS rate of patients with or without PTPN11 mutation was (81±12) % and (67±19)% respectively (χ2=0.85, P=0.356). Conclusions: The main pathogenesis involved in JMML is gene mutation related to RAS signaling pathway, and the most common driver gene of mutation is PTPN11. Allogeneic HSCT can significantly improve the survival rate of high-risk JMML patients. The recurrence or progression after transplantation was related to poor prognosis.

Male , Female , Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Leukemia, Myelomonocytic, Juvenile/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Survival Analysis , Mutation , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation